Friday, November 05, 2004

Over the last few days, I have caught snippets of The Champion - that erection-inducing babe-filled drama serial. For the uninitiated, the plot of this extraordinary TV experience revolves around pH|0|\|4 x|3 (fee-oh-na xie), henceforth FX, throwing her b00bs around while her male co-stars act like they’re not interested. Most engaging, this. Especially the throwing part.

Local television has a few idiosyncrasies that piss me off but the most chillingly horrible are definitely the courtship sequences. The one I managed to catch in the aforementioned serial involved FX jumping and running around while the guy (I don’t know his name but he is arguably as pretty as FX) chased her around the beach or boat or lodge. And why must there always be water-splashing?! How many people of that age still do that? In this case, they splashed each other in the sea and then a few seconds later were caught throwing mineral water at each other in a lodge. The sense in this escapes me completely.

Of course there are others idiosyncrasies such as bad acting, bad scripts, bad sets etc but let’s be nice.

Another thing to note is that FX’s chest wasn’t the only one worth gawking at. There was another pair of huge h00trz on show. Unfortunately, they belonged to the actor playing the diving instructor. Other than for pure narcissistic pleasure, people who work out look at themselves in mirrors regularly to check muscle proportion. This guy apparently didn’t read the manual cos his man +|++|35 (I had to write this in |337 to avoid unwanted hits) threatened to cover his face. Ok, I’m exaggerating. To give you a more accurate picture, imagine Optimus Prime’s chest on Bumblebee’s body. I was absolutely disgusted but I couldn’t turn away. I must do something about this.


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