Friday, April 30, 2004

I’ve been sitting at my desk for the past hour and a half trying to look busy. This has required me to:

1. stare at my monitor while mentally singing “Unwell” (this ensures I don’t fall asleep plus, it’s a nice song)
2. continually rub the ulcer on my tongue against the roof of my mouth (moving my jaw makes it look like my brain is actually working and, well, the pain’s kinda addictive)
3. find the answers on the Web to such life changing questions as “why do we have pubic hair?” (this puts some words on the monitor and also makes for great toilet humour)
4. occasionally bang my fists on my table or pull my hair while gurgling to simulate writer’s block (this always works)
5. stare appealingly at passing AEs to simulate eagerness for more jobs (I think this may have freaked the male AE)
6. try very hard to think of a 6th thing I have had to do…damn

Too bored too bored. Shall adjourn to the toilet for my nap.


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