Saturday, July 31, 2004

We won fishhead curry and a book

The company outing was yesterday (just) and we went bowling. There were prizes up for grabs and so each team tried its best. I bowled a spectacular game as usual, coming 2nd behind Adrian (not the contributor on this blog) with a whopping score of 68 in the first game. What? Not impressed? Ah well, bowling’s not my game. Skinny wrists and a bad back don’t help at all.

But anyway, the creative team won overall thanks largely to Adrian’s accuracy and Jason’s brutality on the lanes with Eileen holding her own and me sitting the 2nd game out cos my wrist was starting to swell. Long story.

So fishhead curry awaits on Monday and hopefully, just hopefully, a shopping spree at Basheer with the $100 we’re supposed to have won. That works out to about one book but it’s better than nothing.


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