Friday, December 09, 2005

Dear cad,

It could all have been so beautiful, you and her. But no, you had to go and screw everything up. Probably like what you’ve done to most things worth treasuring in your life.

It’s a simple fact. Gambling isn’t for the ill-disciplined. And it certainly isn’t for bums without an income. You didn’t realise that, did you? And so you went and blew thousands of dollars on something as trivial as a football match without any means of settling your own debts. Then what did you do? You went and begged her to bail your sorry ass out. She did. Of course she did. She’s always been there for you.

Sure, you’ve got a job now, you might argue. But where’s all the money going to? Paying up your debts to other people, that’s where. So much so that you’ve got nothing left for yourself and guess whom you’re living off once again. Guess who’s there to pay for your food, drink and entertainment.

But that’s not the real problem. We all make mistakes after all. The real problem is refusing to learn from them. The real problem is biting the hand that’s trying to haul you up from the shithole you’ve dug yourself into. That’s exactly what you’ve been doing, you dense bastard.

Alright, you’ve been betting in smaller amounts. I’ll give you that. But surely even you understand that unless the habit is stamped out completely, there’s always the chance that it will come back to take over your life once again. This is especially true for someone with a will as malleable as yours.

And to compound your general failure as a decent human being, there’s your treatment of her. So far, she’s been your safety net both emotionally and financially. But how have you repaid her? Is being a paranoid, possessive asshole your idea of gratitude? Is throwing tantrums when she stays out a bit later or verbally abusing her over the most trivial of matters your means of saying thank you?

All this just reflects your deep-seated insecurity. You know that just about any other guy on the street can give her more happiness than you can ever dream of. You’re worried that one of these days, she may just see you for all that you are. And then she’ll be gone. But so what? That just means you’ll have to find someone else to lean on. Not a problem for the likes of you.

You aren’t, however, solely to blame for her suffering. It’s partly her fault as well because no matter what you throw at her, she keeps coming back to fight another round. You can tell her to “fuck off” in the morning, make some useless apology in the evening and she’ll be back by your side only to endure another tirade a few days later. Perhaps she’s hoping that this time will be different. Perhaps she’s thinking sooner or later you will change for the better. But people like you don’t change, do you? It’s a personality disorder. All you do is leach off other people and leave them torn and tattered by the roadside.

There is a ray of light, however. And that is that, finally, she’s tiring. Finally, she’s talking of giving up. Every time you fell her with one of your nonsensical outbursts, she’s taking longer and longer to beat the count. It may takes months or even years but one day, she won’t get up. One day, she will “fuck off” like you told her to and never come back. And on that day, we will celebrate because it will be the best day of her life.


Blogger es said...

Break up lah... it's obvious!

12/09/2005 7:59 pm  
Blogger Joel said...

Yep. Unfortunately, it's often easier said than done.

12/10/2005 2:16 pm  

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