Sunday, October 16, 2005

The average day at office sucks. Stuff like this doesn’t help.

Intern: (After unloading a stack of colour seps on my desk) “So-and-so needs you to copy write for these.”
Me: Write copy?
Intern: Yes. Copy write.
Me: For these?
Intern: Yes
Me: Where’s the brief?
Intern: No need brief mah. Just check this and this can already.
Me: So you mean copy vet?
Intern: Yah. Copy write.
Me: By making sure these two are the same?
Intern: Yes.
Me: So you mean copy vet?
Intern: Yes. Copy write.
Me: *Weeps*

So after drying my tears, I dutifully proofread every single page. They’re all fine except for one tiny error in the terms and conditions. Back comes the intern and I inform him of the change. He accepts it with a great big grin. I wonder what he’s so happy about. No one here should be happy, is my take on things. He leaves. Great, I think. One thing down, a mere gazillion to go.

Five minutes later, the intern is once again grinning behind me. Turns out they won’t make the change after all cos there’s no budget for it. What was that? No budget to add two letters in? What a royal waste of time this has been then. Fifteen minutes spent proofing when I could’ve been doing something more productive. Fifteen minutes which would’ve allowed me to get home at 10.45pm instead of 11. The assholes.

This happened quite a few days ago, by the way. I don’t know why I’m writing about it only now. Must be the Sunday night blues. Alright. Back to work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the intense satisfaction to say i take great pleasure in doing what that intern did, only i'd not go back and say there wasn't any budget, i'd say 'sorry the client doesnt like it.'

tit for that for all thoose tears I've shed

10/19/2005 12:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A copywriter does not copywrite. A copywriter writes copy. I don't know why so many people don't get this.

10/20/2005 1:33 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's enlightening

10/20/2005 2:05 am  
Blogger Joel said...

Seems like the scars of account servicing run long and deep if you're gonna derive "great pleasure" from doing that. I'm not opening that can of worms so peace be with you.

And yeah, many people do say copywriters copywrite which is like saying footballers football though I suppose, to them, it's like saying rollerbladers rollerblade which is perfectly fine. Don't you just love the English language?

10/20/2005 11:36 pm  

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