Friday, July 02, 2004

Finally, some breathing space.

The last few days have been one hectic blur spent between dreaming up ideas, writing slogans and watching football. But that’s what happens when your boss decides to schedule two pitches in a week.

It seems that I’ll be the one presenting the ideas to the client on Monday so perhaps one of those 54 Ashworth shirts my mom bought in anticipation of me getting a high paying, no life, government job will, at long last, be put to use in my low paying, no life, non-government job. But hey, I get to wear jeans and t-shirts to work so there, I win.

Among other things:
Greece won in the semis. Bleah.
I’ve diligently started saving all my dollar coins.
My Transformers™ game is just sitting around screaming to be played.
Huddersfield is still in the 1st division, in my CM game at least.
Pat got herself a spanking new Nikon camera which means that she is now officially more hi-tech than me.
I have to write a damn consumer brochure over the weekend.
I’m still struggling through the ad book I bought.

Someday in the future, I’ll be reading this and commenting on what a dull life I’ve led.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for the heck of it, what a dull life you lead! Wahahaha

7/03/2004 2:25 am  
Blogger Joel said...

Yeah. Most definitely. I will go walk around NTUC and do a little reflection.

7/03/2004 11:22 am  
Blogger John said...

wah, got anonymous read hear

54 shirts... if you are exaggerating, u did a bad job. now i am left wondering if you mom did really buy you 54 expensive shirts. If you have any that are a tad small, i could do with a few, *nudge nudge wink wink*

oh yah, digital camera.. and I thought I caught up with your level of geekiness when i got an Xbox, wireless network.. still one item to go, but by then, you'd probably have an iPod.. bleah

7/04/2004 12:49 am  
Blogger Joel said...

I think all my shirts are too large for me actually, which means that Adrian has a better chance of getting them not that he'll ever need to.

My mom bought 7 shirts. If I'd gotten into MFA, she'd probably have bought another 7 along with a suit and a couple of dozen ties. I don't see her getting me t-shirts.

7/05/2004 11:48 am  

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