Saturday, March 26, 2005

I don't know why I'm here

That describes this particular action of posting this entry, and also my experiences with other people's computers. If you are wondering why Joel sounds funny here, scroll down a little and discover that it is me, not him.

ANyway, was off fixing another computer today, and lo and behold, everything just seemed to work when I arrived. I think computers have a mind of their own. I like helping ppl subdue Windows, but Windows chooses to work when I am around. It happens to everyone.. just try bringing your motherboard or graphics card to SLS when you think its spoilt. The ah beng at the shop will plug it in, and it'll work, no problems. It's a mystery.

ALong the same vein, why does a company with macs have restrictions on what their employees use? It's not as if they can infect OS X with viruses? I think it works this way. Companies that use all Apple computers (for even non-designers) must be rich. Rich companies will have IT staff, ie MIS. MIS will be kia see and impose restrictions. Frustrated employees will not be able to use MSN because OS X does not have that pre-installed (muahaha!). OK, enough about the problem. Here is a possible solution:

  • Call the IT dude saying that you have a problem with your MS Word (I'm assuming you use MS Word)
  • When he arrives, he will check. Naturally it will be fine. Just say you can't view chinese characters on it. It he says it can, tell him you need sanskrit as well.
  • He will log out, or switch user to admin to install the languages. At this point, stand where you can see what he is typing. If you didn't catch it before he presses enter, distract him, then backspace a few times. He will have to type it again.
  • Log in as admin to install whatever you need

ANother way is to boot up to Linux using a live CD. Here's a link to a list of them. You will of course need to have the program you want to install handy on a thumb drive or something. Also, arrive before the IT guy.

Get real chummy with the IT guy. That's a sure way. Nothing like connections to get things done.

browser based MSN. Probably the best bet.


Blogger Joel said...

The version of Exploder on my damn G5 doesn't support MSN! It's killing me! HELP HELP!

AND (!!) to compound matters, my company outsources it's IT whatever it's called to someone so I can't cosy up to whoever it is.

It's like the freaking UN in here. You have to make a whole load of calls, most of them trunk, to get anything done at all so people just give up in the end.

3/27/2005 11:40 pm  

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