Thursday, February 17, 2005


Jolene has told me that some of her friends read this blog with some form of regularity. So without further ado, I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to these unfortunate people. After perusing the mindless droning published here, you will no doubt have gone on to rip your hair out and subsequently that of whoever happens to be within arm’s reach.

Still, depilation or not, I must commend you on your perseverance for it takes nothing short of a steely will and a double shot of vodka not to end your misery with the cross located so conveniently at the top right corner of your screen. The inanity on display here drives even the author to the brink of insanity which explains why I never read what I’ve written. Many a night, I have woken up sweating with the guilt of ruining the literary expectations of the odd blog surfer, but yet I continue to rant, somewhat like Danielle Steele but that’s another story.

So, as compensation for turning all of you into unwitting literary masochists, I will now go on to read all of the blogs listed on Jolene’s “jardinière”, whatever that is. I will stop when I run out of hair.


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