Saturday, June 04, 2005

Always google your medicine

When you cough for 2 weeks running, you know you have to see a doctor, which I did. So I was told I had this yucky problem of mucus flowing back from the nose into the throat, causing the cough. It seems the germs jammed up my nose so their couldn't exit from there, kinda like when they close the Benjamin Sheares bridge for a marathon and you have to find another way into the city. So I get these four packets of medicine - 1 antibiotics, 2 for cough, 1 for phelgm. Was told that they won't cause drowsiness, so I go to work after seeing doc. Ended up falling asleep at desk. Googled the names of the medicine, and found out that they are quite potent in putting ppl to sleep. One of them even has Codeine, which some ppl take purposely to get high. So I figured I will get a good night's rest that night, and went promptly to bed after taking all four pills. Couldn't sleep. Googled that phelgm pill the next day, and realised it causes insomnia in some people. Now that's a lethal combination - drowsiness and insomnia. Felt sleepy the whole of the next day from that night's dosage.. non-drowsy my foot.

I realise that those who like Codeine for the hallucinogenic effect might figure that having insomnia is great for prolonging the high - so i shall refrain from posting the names of the meds here. Honestly, it isn't worth it. To a small extent, I felt the effects of being a drug addict without the drugs for a day. Looking and feeling stoned really isn't all that fun.

Always google your medicine.


Blogger Joel said...

This is serendipity, John! I see a business opportunity. You keep the mucus flowing and I'll see to it that we get rich!

6/04/2005 11:03 am  
Blogger Da Froggie said...

Dear John,

Don't believe what the doc says..Sometmes it is best to seek a 2nd opinion.

Like you said, always google your medication. Learn about their side effects, etc.

Concidentally, I can't sleep now because of my Steriods medication side effects. It really screws my life quite abit.

6/05/2005 3:52 am  

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