Friday, January 19, 2007

Just had the juiciest beef burger ever. Every bite obliged me to wipe my face with a towel.

What? You want to know where I had it?

But then I might just see you there one day – munching my cow and then wiping your face. Only I am fit to munch my cow and then wipe my face. That's quite enough of italics for today. Now shove off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there a hidden message in that post? I feel dumb now..

1/22/2007 4:20 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Don't be fooled into thinking that way, nut, it must be THE italics at work!

The only message I got is that this chap refuses to share the locations of his cow. MOOOOOOO!

1/22/2007 11:06 pm  
Blogger Joel said...

No, there is no hidden message in that post. And yes, your brain is clearly in the gutter.

1/22/2007 11:17 pm  

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