Sunday, July 31, 2005

Another suicide.

Another loss of a young life. Another chance to be thankful that we aren’t (and I hope will never be) in such a situation. I asked why she jumped and regretted immediately. No combination of reasons can justify the taking of one’s own life. But yet people persistently want to know the most trivial of details. How? Which floor? Was it in the news? So what if you spot her face in the obituary? So what if you find out her age? So what if you read that she was from such and such a school? Does it make you feel any better? Will it change anything? Would it matter in the slightest? And why must you come and stick it in my face so that I can put a countenance to the misery? Did I ever ask to know? Did you expect me to be grateful? Fools. All just a bunch of fools.


Blogger Da Froggie said...

Joe, I can sense much anguish in you..I do agree with what you said..It is pointless to find out alot of things...I just hope and pray that in time, the family of the bereaved can find comfort..I know this will take alot of time and healing for the living..

God Bless

7/31/2005 8:22 pm  
Blogger Joel said...

Thanks man.

There's a lot that we can learn from all this. The superficial stuff doesn't matter one bit. Let's just hope people realise that.

7/31/2005 11:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that you are able to take it positively as something to 'learn' from is the very reason why you wont understand why anyone would take their own life.

good for you. i hope you wont ever understand it too. just appreciate that for some people, living is a strength they no longer have.

8/03/2005 9:50 pm  

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