Thursday, April 21, 2005

I attended a direct marketing seminar today. One of the speakers was from Hong Kong. This list of mispronunciations is the natural result. (I’m sorry, John)

Potion: as in "a large potion of consumers". (portion)

Dimishing: as in "market share is dimishing". (diminishing)

Haycher: as in "this haycher is due to spamming".

Bitchin’: as in "the customer is caught bitchin’ privacy and service". (between)
Welephant: as in "direct marketing is still welephant today". (relevant)

Popper: as in "prim and popper". (proper)

Con-cushion: as in "they came to this con-cushion". (conclusion)

Freshened: as in "direct marketing may be old-freshened". (fashioned)

Fof: as in "my fof point is". (fourth)

Faxable: as in "this strategy is very faxable". (flexible)

Pee-selected: as in "the customer base is pee-selected". (pre-selected)

Wizard: as in "every wizard will earn you linkpoints". (visit)

Twitch: as in "we must twitch the customer with respect". (treat)

Digititital: there’s something subliminal in this. (digital)

Discunt: this is just disgusting. (discount)


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