Friday, February 17, 2006


I’ve had my interview earlier than expected. He called me at three-ish and so I hopped down to this place called Sports Ballz. Yes. Ballz with a “z”. And we had a chat. He’s keen on taking me on and I, in turn, would relish working with him. The problem is that the salary he’s offering is substantially lower than what I asked for. So the question now is whether I should hold out for a better offer somewhere else or take this chance to work with someone I really believe can be a good mentor. Right now, I'm more inclined to take the plunge but still there's lots of thinking to be done over the weekend again. This time, however, I’d be more than glad to.


Anonymous Anonymous said... be frank, I reckon you may have to look long term into this.

Personally, if it were me, I wld be fine with taking the low pay now, but ask if there is a possibility of a good raise within a year.

Because it will always be human nature - you measure your self worth against your pay and title. In the long term, you will feel disgruntled...

2/20/2006 10:11 am  
Blogger Joel said...

Yeah. I've thought about that. He promised that he'd fight for a raise for me in about a year's time. And I believe him.

Frankly, the pay he's offering right now is alright. It's just that I've set some targets for myself this year and I'm quite intent on achieving them. In this case, however, I feel that the potential for professional growth is too good to pass up and so I'm taking the plunge.

I'm confident that it'll pay off.

2/20/2006 11:37 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm...from what I hear and what I know...also from the fact that I have worked with you. I think you will do well there. To be frank, I think you have alot of potential....

plus you have a good attitude.

Definitely take it for personal growth and take things from there.

I have also set some goals for myself but from the looks of things in this godforsaken place, I dont think I will make

2/22/2006 11:05 am  
Blogger Joel said...

Good to know that my work is well received. There's still lots of room for improvement though and I hope that this new place will push me to that level.

Headline writing is an area in which I definitely need more work on.

As for targets, I guess you've gotta be realistic and weigh the pros and cons. In other words, you should leave!

2/22/2006 12:03 pm  

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