Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A nice surprise of hair

I finally went to the salon yesterday. My shock of hair has now been trimmed to a mere startle. In fact, I think it’s bordering on a nice surprise of hair. Which actually sounds rather bad. My mother seemed pleased though. “Good,” she approved and decided to start nagging me about something else. The only reason I cut my hair was cos it was flopping all over the place. Oh, and cos certain people were pointing at my head and uttering sentences with the words “jungle”, “overgrown” and “civilisation” in them. The bastards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I encourage you to shave your head since hair, since it gave you so much trouble.


3/26/2006 1:45 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I encourage you to shave your hair off since it gave you so much trouble. I can also assure that you will look less like a durian.


3/26/2006 1:48 am  
Blogger Joel said...

I'd rather look like a durian than a peach!

3/26/2006 10:26 pm  

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