Sunday, May 20, 2007

On Butt Rests

Recently, certain MRT stations have acquired butt rests (I don't know what they're really called so there), the idea being that you can relax in a sort of half sitting position while waiting for the train and then, once it's arrived, get up easily to mow down any passengers between you and a proper seat. Except that they don't work.

It is common sense that, for a butt rest to be useful, it must first of all be possible for the sitter's butt to actually stay on the rest. Unfortunately, the butt rests that SMRT have so graciously provided seem to be coated with Teflon. Plus, they're slanted. Plus, they're concave. So after falling off twice, the frustrated commuter, determined to wait in a relaxing manner, is forced to cling onto the back of the rest with his fingernails while his feet are engaged in a sort of constant scrabble to prop himself up. From a distance, this makes him look like a frantic prawn trying to swim backwards.

Just last week, I witnessed a lady commuter attempt to sit on a rest, fall off, and then comment to herself that it was really more of a bag stand than a seat. Oh, and her knickers were red.

And therein lies the secret to this mystery. Far from being a gaffe, these butt rests play a much more important role – they help to keep our train stations safe.

You know how it is these days. With bomb threats everywhere, everything needs to be kept under surveillance all the time. That’s why we’ve got those huge, spanking new cameras all over our train stations. And they’d work too if only someone could be bothered to watch them. To be blindingly obvious, watching people board and alight from trains is hardly nail-biting fun. Most people would rather entertain themselves by sawing their legs off. Clearly, SMRT had to do something to jazz up the show, to add that touch of excitement to the otherwise dreary monotony of eyeballing our country’s working class.

And that’s where the butt rests come in. Strategically placed, they lie in clear sight of all the cameras. Which means that in addition to keeping a vigilant eye out for our nation’s safety, SMRT personnel now have the joyous added option of betting on a game of “When will Joe land on his backside?” Or for the more sophisticated punter, “What shade are her knickers?” And all from the comfort of their control booths.

So you see, now we’ve really got foolproof security. Not only do we have a comprehensive network of eyes in the sky, we also have a dedicated bunch of eyes in Station Control. It works a little like Big Brother. Whether anything’s happening or not, you’re going to be glued to the screen anyway, because you never know when that hot Swedish mama is going to take a bath.

So kudos to SMRT. They’ve invested well in some butt rests that work, because they don’t.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I have caught a flu of gargantuan proportions. My entire head is filled with mucus, all of which is cascading in torrents out of my nose. I have with me a handkerchief and a pack of tissue paper but that’s like trying to stop the Niagara Falls with a cork. It is very messy indeed. What I really need is a basin and a plumb. However, these are not readily available in an ad agency. No matter. I’ll use the vacuum cleaner.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


To stay ahead in this rat race of ours, I’d gladly step all over your head and you’d be happy to chew my tail off. Friction is inevitable. So since we’re at it, we might as well get some gratification. Unless you’re a guy, that is. Then you can just go to hell.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Nothing much

In the fourteen days since my last post, I have been swamped with literally one request to blog about something, anything. “Why the fuck haven’t you been blogging?” my lone requestor implored. “Because I haven’t anything to say,” was the simple reply.

And it’s true.

Oh, I suppose I could’ve written something about the excellent and entertaining film Fuck which I caught with my colleagues. But I really didn’t have anything insightful to add. I could also have written about the many excessive meals I’ve had in the past week with friends and colleagues alike, complete with pictures. But then I’d just have ended up looking like one of those blogs with nothing but food shots then some lame description of said food then some people-around-table shots with all their names from left to right followed by some more food shots. Getting an appendectomy would’ve been more fun than doing that.

There’s just been nothing happening. I’m not flying to New York like Yvonne. I’m not leaving for Beijing like Gavin. I don’t have to deal with the trials and tribulations of parenthood like Jean. Sure, I’m getting along fine at work but that’s nothing to go all gaga about.

If I’m honest, it’s been kind of boring. A bit like sailing on a pristine lake. Sure, it’s calm, relaxing and you're still going somewhere, but every once in a while, you just wish that the waves would hit you that little bit harder. You want to see a hint of danger on the horizon and head straight for it.

Unfortunately, I seem to be sailing my boat in a bathtub.