The comb-over. Again.
Today, the comb-over visited once again. I was all smiles as I greeted it partly because I was being polite but more so because, faced with an entity of such comeliness, I couldn’t help but be all smiles. And the smiling continued all through the meeting, during which the organism on which this handsome comb-over was perched gesticulated a bit and said something or other about some copy that needed to be changed. Mere interferences in the cosmic network as far as I was concerned. I had more important matters to consider such as what life must be like, living forever in the shadow of such hirsute perfection. I envied the organism under because to exist in such close proximity to nirvana must be like staying next door to a pub. But then again, the constant stream of men peeing at your door would drive you insane and so on and so forth in an endless battle of good versus evil.
Alas, the meeting ended before I could come to any useful interpretation of this pub analogy. However, before the comb-over vanished once again, I had a chance to surreptitiously point it out to my CD who let out an “Ooooh” of such great intensity that I was inclined to take two steps back. “That IS a comb-over.” he declared after a few appreciative moments. No doubt, the comb-over has gained another convert. A new religion cometh forth.
Alas, the meeting ended before I could come to any useful interpretation of this pub analogy. However, before the comb-over vanished once again, I had a chance to surreptitiously point it out to my CD who let out an “Ooooh” of such great intensity that I was inclined to take two steps back. “That IS a comb-over.” he declared after a few appreciative moments. No doubt, the comb-over has gained another convert. A new religion cometh forth.